Kiki: Sit down, Tae.
Kiki shoved me hard into the sofa and glared at me from above.
It's been over a week since I've received Kiki's letter in my mailbox.
I haven't been in contact with her or Miki since then.
I assumed their whole family was crazy. I had already been meeting with Miki regularly for over three months before the letter arrived, and spending time with her only confirmed my suspicions that she was - not normal.
Magic? Spirits from the dead? Ridiculous.
Truth is, I didn't want to believe. Deep down inside knowing Kiki, I knew what she told me was true.
But if it was true, that Miki was not her, but her and her little sister, I would feel betrayed. Thinking Miki to be insane, I found it easier to share my thoughts with her whenever we'd meet. She had no one to tell, and I assumed she would forget.
I told her of my family, my childhood, my frustrations with life - everything. She, they, listened. Hell, she sympathized with me, understood me. I had become friends with Miki, who now is not Miki but Miki and Niki?
I avoided Kiki's eye contact and tried to leave.
Kiki: I said SIT.
Kiki pushed me down into the sofa again, harder this time.
Tae: What do you want?
Kiki: I want us to talk.
Tae: Talk then.
Kiki: What the hell is wrong with you?
I couldn't help but let out a chuckle of disbelief.
Tae: I'm sorry, but your letter wasn't exactly what sane people would write.
Kiki: You don't believe me.
Tae: How can I believe you without any proof?
Kiki stood there and ran her fingers through her hair. She tapped her feet and crossed her arms.
Kiki: Alright, look. I'll show you some magic.
Kiki muttered some words in a language I didn't recognize while twirling her long fingers. What seemed like stars and smoke sprung out from her fingertips and suddenly a bright red apple appeared in the palm of her hand.
Kiki took a bite of the apple and smiled.
Kiki: See, magic. Wanna take a bite? See if it's real?
Tae: You're showing me a petty magic trick to get me to believe you?
Kiki: It's the safest thing I can show you. If you want I can turn your head into a toad instead.
Tae: No thanks, I'll just believe you.
Kiki sat down on the floor and leaned against the couch.
A minute must have passed before she let out an exaggerated sigh and looked up at me.
Kiki: Thanks.
Tae: For what?
Kiki: For believing me.
Tae: Sure.
Kiki: ...You do believe me, right?
It was my turn to sigh.
Tae: ...Yes, I do. In fact, it explains her behavior quite well.
Kiki: What do you mean?
Tae: It always seemed like she had two personalities. Whenever we were around other people she was very - abnormal. Saying random things, doing inappropriate gestures, talking about supernatural beings...
Kiki: That sounds like Niki alright.
Tae: ...But when others weren't around she was different. She didn't refer to herself in third person like she usually does. She was quiet, attentive. I would tell her things about myself that I don't understand and she would tell me things I hadn't even thought to consider.
Kiki: ...You talk to her about things you wouldn't talk to me about don't you?
I let the question hang in the silence. We both let the silence linger for a while.
Tae: ...I didn't want to believe what you told me because... because I had come to think Miki was - she was perfect. She was insane, but - she was the right mixture of everything I needed, everything I was searching for in life. It hurt to know she was not one, but two different women - that I was... not with one but with two - that I was in lov-
Miki bolted from the ground and swung herself next me to on the couch and leaned in towards me. I reacted and jumped up from my seat. She reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders to face her.
I saw a flicker of sorrow in her blue eyes before she closed them and drew in closer.
I held my body still but turned my head away, avoiding the approach of her lips.
Tae: ...You don't want to do that.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiki's eyes quiver and drop her gaze to the ground. She released her hold on me and patted me on the shoulder.
Kiki: ...I'm counting on you.
With that, she headed out the door, her long red hair trailing behind like ripples upon water.
I needed to confront Miki with what I knew.
After talking to Kiki, I finally started to piece together my feelings, of what I wanted.
Miki: Tae~ Miki's over here!!
Tae: Hey, Miki, let's go somewhere quiet today.
Miki: Okay mokay! LET'S GOOOOO!
Tae: These benches are here to sit on.
Miki: We sit on chairs all day during class! The grass feels much better.
Tae: ...Well, alright.
Miki: There's something on your mind.
Tae: Is there?
Miki: You and Kiki, something's not right.
Tae: She doing ok?
Miki: Depends on how you define "ok." She's been behaving normally but I know better.
Tae: Can we change the subject?
Miki: Sure. Why'd you bring me out here?
Tae: ...I've been telling you a lot about me. Isn't there something you want to tell me about yourself?
Miki: Not really.
Tae: You always dodge questions about yourself.
Miki: I'm just one crazy chick. That's all. You know that already.
Miki laughed and drummed her feet against the ground.
Tae: There's got to be more than that. I think you're crazy. But I know you can be intelligent and serious. You're more mature when we're alone. Don't you think that's ... a result of something?
Miki: If you want my life's story you're gonna have to kill me first.
I groaned and buried my face in my hands. It was hard for me to just admit that I knew. As much as my mind told me everything will work out, that I HAD to - my heart told me I would lose something precious if I did.
It was starting to get darker as evening approached.
The breeze gently blew carrying light strands of Miki's hair.
Miki: ...Some things are just better kept secret.
Tae: ...I guess. There are some secrets that I know I wished I didn't know.
Miki: Like what?
Tae: Not telling.
I thought Miki would start complaining that I wasn't telling her, but instead she silently got up from the ground. Her leg brushed up against mine underneath the bench and I felt a light tingle crawl up my leg.
Tae: Do you think keeping secrets is a sin?
Miki: Why?
Tae: In order to keep secrets you must lie. And a lie is only kept by another lie.
Miki: I think it depends on your intention.
Tae: Intention?
Miki: People lie for different reasons. People keep secrets for even more reasons. But I also think lying or keeping secrets means you don't trust the other person. Because if you trust someone, they should be able to accept whatever it is you're keeping a secret.
Tae: So you don't trust me.
Miki's silence unnerved me.
I debated whether or not to just let her know I knew, and how I wanted to help.
I had come to the conclusion that I was going to be a good friend and try to help Kiki, Miki and Niki solve their issues in whatever form they wished. Then I would leave university as the term ended, transfer, and let them be. If - IF - I was in love with Miki, then it wasn't true love, because she is not one but two people. As much as some guys might love the idea of a threesome, it wasn't for me.
Miki: ...It's not that I don't trust you.
Her words washed over me like water and my train of thought disappeared.
It relieved me more than I would have thought to know she trusted me.
Miki: ...I just don't want to hurt you. I'm - I'm a psycho. If I tell you... If I tell you what I've been through - you'll... you'll..."
Miki let out a sigh and whispered, "...disappear."
I got down from the bench and sat next to her close. I held her at her back and felt her body tense up at my touch. I gently pulled her body closer to mine and leaned my head against hers. I felt the strands of her hair carried by the breeze gently caress my face. She smelled like strawberries.
Tae: I won't disappear.
Miki didn't say anything nor did she look at me. Her body started to ease up as I gently rubbed her knee.
Tae: ...Miki, you ok?
When she didn't reply I pulled myself a part from her a little. Miki was just staring at the ground and blushing bright red.
Tae: Sorry, are you uncomfortable?
Miki's green eyes suddenly flashed up and met mine in a shade greener than emerald.
She pushed me down into the field of flowers and giggled.
She laid down next to me and let out a satisfied sigh.
Miki: This is more comfortable.
I felt like my heart would burst. I couldn't hold my tongue any longer.
These emotions I had for her, I needed to resolve.
Tae: Miki, Kiki told me everything.
For a minute Miki didn't move. Then her breathing got faster as she freed herself from my arms and sat up.
Miki: ...What... what do you mean?
Tae: About Magic. You and Niki. Everything. I told her - hey wait.
Miki started walking away from me frantically. I grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her. She slapped it away and screamed into my face.
Tae: Miki, calm down, it's ok-
Miki: How long have you known? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME KIKI TOLD YOU?!
Tae: I didn't believe it at first, but its ok. I don't think you're weird. I'm not mad. I want to help you and help Kiki. She was worried about you saying how you won't let her host Niki and -
Miki stood silent and looked past my shoulders. Her eyes were like glass, cold and vacant.
Miki: ...she told you... that means...
Tae: ...She said she wants to get rid of Niki. But I think that's because she was thinking of me. I can get her to understand that she doesn't have to, you don't have to, just - Miki?
Little tears formed on the corner of Miki's eyes. They gathered and fell, contouring the gentle curves of her face, glistening in the moonlight.
Miki: Tae... what... what am I going to do?
Tae: Miki, it's ok. We'll get through this. We can find a way to save Niki and make all three of you happy.
Miki's eyes shook as she looked at me.
Her lips trembled, as thin strands of her red hair stuck to them, blown to her face by the breeze.
Her tears kept streaming down her lovely face, falling down the curve of her chin and disappearing into the ground.
Her nose started to turn red from her crying and her face was flushed from the combination of the cold, her tears and her emotions.
I had to kiss her.
Seeing her like this, my body knew what my heart wanted and embraced her into a kiss before I could think it through.
Her lips were soft and... wet. I ran my hands through her hair - the strands felt like silk gliding through my fingers.
She didn't resist. She kissed me back in between the sniffles of her nose then she drew me away gently and looked at me with empty eyes. Her hands were shaking, and cold against my arm.
She dropped her hands to her sides, and I could still seem them tremble.
Her gaze fell and fixed onto the ground.
Tae: ...What's wrong?
She finally looked back up to me with a look of fear in her eyes.
The corner of her lips rose a bit into a painful grin.
She bit her lip and choked out the following words hardly above a whisper.
Miki: ...There is no Niki. I killed her.
Tae: ...What?
But with that she was gone into the darkness of night.
Thanks for reading. Tae's Good trait made it easier for him to accept what his friend was telling him. So - Niki is actually dead? If she is, is that really a big problem since Kiki had wanted to? Or is there something bigger behind killing spirits?
This was originally suppose to be two separate entries, but I decided to cut and paste into one entry. I still have to get to Cloud's story before moving onto Gen 3... and an heir poll (if anyone is interested)!
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